Popular Restaurant/Pizzeria w/Full Bar
Amazing Restaurant in a great location on a very busy thoroughfare. Neighboring Businesses drive traffic year round. Established 15 years ago. Core employees in place. Only open for dinner Monday thru Saturday. Closed on Sundays. New Owner can open on Sunday and/Or lunch for a substantial revenue increase.
SFS Full Liquor License
150+ Seats
2,200 Sq Ft
Monthly Rent: Base $4,235 + CAM + Taxes
10 year Lease in place with 8 years remaining
Large Parking Lot
10 Employees
Gross Sales over $500K
Over $100K Cash Flow
Will accept a seller note with a buyer who has recent restaurant ownership.
*Please understand that these are not actual photos of the property to protect the business.
More information can be provided once NDA, PFS, POF or Pre-Approval Letter is received.